Monday 14 December 2015

The Species of Star Wars blog is now Live!

Nerds, geeks, fanatics; closeted or proud. The time is soon upon us. Yes, that's right, the newest iteration of the Star Wars saga, The Force Awakens, is only days away from its cinema debut. But after experiencing these movies in all their glory, are you ever left craving more? More facts? More information to sate your nerdy palate? More Star Wars? 

Well, this is why I've decided to begin this blog. I will be scouring the internet, books, video games and movies to bring you all the info I possibly can. Information on those funny looking folks roaming the sidelines of the scenes, their strange alien languages, and their bizarre cultures. 

Granted, there have been a lot of changes recently with the new ownership of the franchise so briefly, in this first blog post, I will go into some extra details regarding this important shift.

After Disney took over from the big guy, George Lucas, the Star Wars lore has been split into two categories. 'Canon' and 'Legends.' Everything in the movies, animated tv shows and everything released after the Disney buyout is now 'Canon' and everything else is 'Legends'. The 'Legends' are all now classed as unofficial stories and facts, much to the dismay of many a hardcore fan. Though, it's safe to accept any content that has yet to be overwritten as still legitimate. At least, that's the case in my opinion.

Concerning the new movie, there is a lot of content already written and it's all set in the period following the events of 'Return of the Jedi'. The stories followed the offspring of our favourite characters, Han Solo, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. Han and Leia's children, Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo along with Luke's son Ben all spend the 30 odd years travelling the galaxy and becoming iconic figures like their parents. This would have conflicted with the plans of the new writers' vision for the future of the movies. These writers being Director of 'The Force Awakens' J.J Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan who co-wrote 'Empire Strikes Back' and 'Return of the Jedi'.

But all of this content was just a minuscule scratch on the enormous surface that is the 'Expanded Universe' of Star Wars. There's numerous books, video games and comics all with their own intricate stories and complex characters.

Now, we can only hope, as fans, that the franchise is in good hands and the writers will make it even better than before. After all, Disney is now our only hope!

It's safe to assume a large portion of my blog posts will have 'Legends' material in them, however, I shall strive to let my readers know which information is 'Canon' or not. I will hopefully be including as much information as possible about some of the new, wonderful species and creatures from the upcoming movie.

However, to kick us off, I'll be exploring the Mos Eisley cantina from A New Hope. The first species post will be about the hammer-headed Ithorians...